Make a Plan. Be Held Accountable. Achieve Your Goals.


Hello again! I’m Dr. Steven James “SJ” Maranville, the Startup Unicorn Trainer & Chairman of Maranville Enterprises—The Venture Creation Corporation.

You’re serious about starting and scaling your venture.

You’re also serious about growing yourself as an entrepreneur.

The top performers in every field invest in themselves and have coaches. Entrepreneurs are no exception.

To accelerate your venture, you need an advisor, but not just any advisor. You need an astute advisor, a Master Teacher with a map and compass who will guide you through the fog of venturing.

I am that Master Teacher. And, I invite you to engage me as the Guide By Your Side.

It’s my most sincere desire that you’ll make the smart decision to Venture With Vision!

Maranville, Steven

Venture With Vision!

Maranville Enterprises delivers

expertise as a Venture Strategist

with the impact of a Master Teacher.

Think Strategically. Make an Impact. Get ROI.


You’re ready to grow your venture! You’ll benefit by having an expert Guide By Your Side! Schedule a Call Now!

It makes all the difference when you can hire someone to cut the learning curve and save you a ton of time (and money) by showing you the path to your desired outcome.

As you start and scale your unicorn-bound venture, you can have an expert Guide By Your Side for way less than the cost of a part-time, minimum-wage employee. That’s right! For the modest annual investment of $15,000, you can have a startup specialist, The Startup Unicorn Trainer, as the expert Guide By Your Side.

Why You Should Engage Maranville Enterprises as
Your Strategic Advisor and Guide By Your Side

I know what you don’t know but need to know.
When Maranville Enterprises is your strategic advisor, you have the intelligence advantage with access to the most current and advanced insight regarding your specific industry and venture.
With a Ph.D. and 30+ years of training unicorn-bound ventures, I’ve created, grown, and monetized ventures through hard-earned experience, cutting-edge research, and proven best practices. Whatever your challenge is, I have the comprehensive understanding and complete set of tools for dealing with that problem or opportunity.

I use a proprietary advising methodology that gets results.
Getting you from where you are now to where you want to be, Maranville Enterprises delivers expert guidance through a proven, structured methodology designed to improve the adaptability and survivability of your venture.
You’ll get sage strategic insights that are immediately actionable. Equally important, I’ll cultivate within you the ability to think strategically. From an objective and informed perspective, I ask the tough questions that stimulate reflection and real learning. Those questions allow you to Clarify, Discuss, and Process your thoughts. In response, I’ll astutely teach you the business acumen you want to know and need to know. Be assured I’ll always talk straight with you giving supportive and intellectually honest feedback.

I care about the success of your venture as much as you do.
No matter the size and intensity of the challenge, whatever the demand, Maranville Enterprises prioritizes your venture by always giving you the time, talent, and tenacity crucial for your venture’s success.
You’ve put financial equity as well as your fully-committed life into the growth of your venture. I appreciate what that feels like—the constant pressure and fear of failure. It’s vital that you know you’re not alone on this path. I’m personally there for you. I’m readily available with perspective and answers to your most pressing problems and concerns.

More Testimonials from Unicorn-bound Entrepreneurs

What’s The Risk?


Entrepreneurs who don’t hire Maranville Enterprises as their strategic advisor risk the overwhelm of making hasty decisions and taking unwise actions that cause …

  • Limited growth and profitability decreasing the venture’s valuation and attractiveness to investors
  • Delayed progress towards goals while the venture’s competitors speed ahead
  • Stunted development of the venture as the market’s window of opportunity closes
  • Blocked strategic opportunities putting the venture at a competitive disadvantage, or worse
  • You could kill the venture before it really even gets started.

100% No questions asked money back guarantee

You have no risk. You get a 30-day unconditional guarantee. Here’s what that means:

If within the first 30 days of coaching you don’t find that this is what you exactly need to achieve the results you’re looking for,

then not only do we not have to continue working together after the first 30 days but you can have a full refund of every penny.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I get?

You’ll receive one Year of unlimited entrepreneurship coaching.

How does it work?

We’ll begin by creating a strategic plan with milestones for accomplishments. When you achieve each milestone, we’ll schedule a coaching session to review the accomplishment and plan for the next milestone. Between these milestone accountability sessions, you can also schedule mentoring sessions to increase your knowledge and skills.

How much is it?

You’ll have a dedicated Guide By Your Side for less than a part-time, minimum-wage employee. You get one year of unlimited access to The Startup Unicorn Trainer for $15,000.

How do I get started?

Let’s get on a call to begin scaling-up the strategic IQ of your unicorn-bound venture!

The Guide By Your Side

Maranville Enterprises has been advising entrepreneurs and their ventures for over five decades with a steady stream of successful ventures in its portfolio of clients. You can now join that elite group of ventures!

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